UncleMateo on SpaceDock

KSP Forums: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/226088-112xwip-restock-recolour-4412/

As KSP2's death brought forth a resurgence of modding in KSP, I decided to stop being a silent lurker and start contributing to the community. Right now my focus is completely consumed by RestockRecolour, a joint project.

Mods created for Kerbal Space Program

1.0 for KSP 1.12.5

Kerbal Hacks: Droptank "Wrapper" Recolor (Project Felota)

Allows the custom repainting of all the parts included in the awesome Droptank mod

Kerbal Hacks: Droptank "Wrapper" Recolor (Project Felota)

1.0 for KSP 1.12.5

Radial Experiment Storage Container Recolor (Project Felota)

Adds TexturesUnlimited recoloring to the Radial Experiment Storage Container mod

Radial Experiment Storage Container Recolor (Project Felota)

0.50.88 for KSP 1.12.5

Restock Recolour