Emergent gameplay rebalance + overhaul

License: Other

Game Version:

Downloads: 1,318

Author: sunnypunny

Followers: 1


KSRe is the first overhaul mod for KSP2, designed for all players - from beginner to veteran

The description is split into several optional sections to suit a wider variety of experience levels and interests:

  • Trailer: Brief video providing a cinematic introduction
  • Design: Some paragraphs outlining the design philosophy
  • Scope: Dot-point list covering the categories of all changes
  • Preview: Image + text preview of main gameplay elements
  • Technique: Extended discussion of the technical details
  • Backend: Known issues and contributions (See Pastebin)

Installation with Toucan Mod Manager recommended

[Current Status] Development continues!



Cinematic Trailer (1:35)


As a game design project, KSRe is built on emergent gameplay - the creation of complex in-game situations from the interactions of simple mechanics.

This approach is considered the most suitable for a semi-realistic space simulation game, because it reflects the overall complexity of rocket science in the real world, while keeping individual game mechanics as approachable as possible for all players, regardless of their experience level.

The scope of the project covers all gameplay, mostly with smaller "bang for buck" type changes, along with some new mechanics, and certain aspects (e.g. editor construction and physics) remaining unchanged. The end result offers increased gameplay depth and replay value, and a slightly more comprehensive introduction to the world of aerospace, taking players a step further than the base game.


Major Changes

  • Attitude Control
  • Masses
  • Missions
  • Propellants
  • Propulsion
  • Science
  • Tech Tree

New Mechanics

  • Career App (KSC)
  • Diagnostic App (Flight)
  • Engine Grades
  • Fuel Switch
  • Ignition Failures
  • Part Damage
  • Part Faults
  • EVA Repairs
  • Tech Discovery

Minor Changes

  • Antennae
  • Buoyancy
  • Command Parts
  • Engine Stats UI
  • Experiments
  • Loading Screens

Full support for ALL base game languages!


Exploration Mode

The opening is set just before the base game, and inspired by the first human rocket program Opel-RAK


The new Career App provides feedback on the added features related to game progression


Experienced players may need to rethink that stock "zero tech to Eeloo" start


Engine Test Stand

An engine test stand can be used to investigate many of the new features


Just like in the real world, it's useful to test engines before flight



Tanks now hold a single resource only, and the resource can be switched


The two main rocket bipropellants are accurately modelled and gamified


There's also a hypergolic combination (based on Gamma Rocket)


This helps players learn more about fuels through gameplay, while remaining accessible


Part Diagnostic UI

The PAL 5000 series upgrade displays additional part data in a new UI app


This can make complex situations easier to navigate for everyone



Attitude Control

  • Reaction wheel torque is greatly reduced close to real world levels (~50x weaker)
  • All solid fuel boosters (except Sepratron) have small gimbal ranges
  • Internal reaction wheels and Monoprop tanks are removed from crew pods

This makes spacecraft orientation more challenging and realistic, with RCS being essential in most cases, and reaction wheels still being useful.


  • All parts now take damage from a variety of sources, and can be destroyed in many more situations (e.g. repeated overheating)
  • Damaged parts can be repaired over time by nearby Kerbals on EVA
  • Part diagnostics provide color-coded feedback on damage sources, with progressive upgrades for exploration mode
  • Parts sometimes take damage from random faults (relatively rare), with AI fault prediction in probe cores
  • All parts slowly take damage from deterioration, and may reach the end of life after many years
  • Damage is randomized slightly, primarily on a per-part basis so that all parts take damage a little differently
  • Engine grade (reliability) increases as engines are used and recovered in exploration mode

This ensures every mission is unique, and increases use cases for crew support missions, providing more content and replay value.


  • Liquid Methane has been restored to the original's generic fuel name (Liquid Fuel). LFO ratio is remodelled on real world Kerosene and Liquid Oxygen (1:2 by volume).
  • Liquid Hydrogen has been renamed to a more generic "Cryo Fuel." CFO ratio is standardized at 5:2 by volume, also realistic for Liquid Hydrogen and Liquid Oxygen.
  • One hypergolic combination has been added (MonoProp / LF), modelled on real world HTP and Kerosene from Gamma Rocket (approximated to 5:1 by volume).

This results in 3 core bipropellant combinations covering the majority of real world use cases, so all players can learn the main rocket fuels.


  • Many rocket engines now use Cryo Fuel (e.g. RAPIER), and radial engines are hypergolic
  • Ignition failures may occur in rocket engines, with reliability depending on propellant type (hypergolic is the most reliable)
  • Ignition failure chance may also vary by situation (providing a basic ullage simulation)
  • Throttle ranges for most engines are greatly reduced (based on TWR), while hypergolic engines maintain deep throttle
  • Engine stats UI has been changed to provide more relevant info
  • The "Flea" solid fuel booster is scaled down to XS / 0.625m diameter

This adds slightly more realistic in-flight challenges, along with greater impact from engine (and propellant) selection.


  • There are many more ways to earn science, which is now subdivided into categories (currently nine)
  • For each new game, players select a specialization based on a science category, which reflects a certain playstyle

This supports more individual playstyles in exploration mode, increasing variety and better reflecting the overall breadth of "rocket science."


  • Propellant containers only hold a single fuel each, but the fuel can be switched between any of the four (LF / CF / Ox / MP)
  • Container sizes are standardized and always increase by a factor of 2, so all fuel ratios are supported by combining various tanks
  • Fuel containers are added to all nose cones, and voluminous adapters where appropriate
  • Fuel mass fractions are increased (put simply: empty tanks are lighter) closer to realistic levels
  • Cryo Fuel boils off when placed in the standard tank only

This creates new design challenges around tanks, with greater flexibility in solutions, and reduced delta-V challenge (suiting increased planet sizes).

Tech Tree

  • Tiers based around bulkhead size (XS >> XXL) with skippable levels
  • Clear grouping along lines makes part categories easier to follow visually
  • Earlier access to rover and jet parts for greater flexibility
  • Future tech is hidden and gradually discovered as more science is collected
  • Initial tech designed to help beginners learn basics like RCS, mass and electricity

Redesigned tree increases replay value with more progression pathways and better accessibility for beginners.


Please note that the author is a survivor of organized crime, and associates are believed to be spreading misinformation and conducting cyber attacks in the community.


For F - "never forget"

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