PlanetInfoPlus CKAN

Better info in the planetarium, with configurable display.

License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 9,675

Author: Snark

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 31

What it does

  • Adds additional information to the "planet info" pane of the KSP planetarium.
  • User can choose which parameters are displayed, via game settings.
  • Config file allows customizing numeric formats.
  • Works in modded solar systems.
  • Localized in English and French.

How to install

Unzip the contents of "GameData" to your GameData folder, same as with most mods.

Why would anyone want this?

I've always liked the planet info display in the planetarium (in the tracking station, or in map view during flight). However, it's never felt quite right to me-- it's missing some bits of information that I find important, while "wasting" valuable screen real estate for some parameters that don't really have any practical in-game use.

This mod addresses that.

Here's what it does to the planet information displayed:

  • Hides mass, area, and gravitational parameter (GM).
  • Indicates whether the atmosphere contains oxygen.
  • Indicates whether the rotation period is tidally locked.
  • Indicates whether the rotation is retrograde.
  • Shows the maximum surface elevation.
  • Shows the orbital period.
  • Shows the orbital semimajor axis.
  • Shows the altitude of a synchronous orbit (or "n/a" if not possible).
  • Shows the height of the upper atmosphere boundary.
  • Shows the height of the high / low space boundary.
  • Shows the number of biomes present.
  • Shows the number of biomes that have been explored
  • Shows the body's current exploration status.

(See forum thread for FAQ regarding any questions.)

In-game settings

The default behavior is tweaked to be the way that I, personally, like it, since it's my mod.

However, I realize that not everyone necessarily has the same preferences I do, so you can tweak it as you like via the game settings dialog.

Default settings are shown above. Note that if you like showing the planet's area, mass, and gravitational parameter (as the stock game does), you can turn them on.

Configuration file

But wait, there's more!

You can also customize the colors used for the text, as well as the numeric formats used for showing the information.

You can do this via a configuration file, PlanetInfoPlus.cfg, which you will find in the mod's folder.

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