RadiatorToggle CKAN

Save electricity when static radiator panels are not in use.

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.0.5

Downloads: 2,653

Author: Snark

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 19

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Note: Obsolete mod

Please note that as of KSP 1.1, this mod is now obsolete. It no longer works in 1.1, but that's okay, because it's no longer necessary.

This mod was created to fill a "hole" in KSP's design, to allow turning off the static radiators. KSP 1.1 has added that as a feature-- in effect, this mod has now become stock.

I'm leaving this mod in place in case someone running an older, pre-1.1 copy of KSP needs the functionality.

What it does

Adds a right-click menu item to toggle static radiator panels on/off, so you save electricity when you don't need the cooling. You can also add them to action groups to toggle on/off.

It also tweaks the electricity consumption of the larger static panels so that their electrical consumption is proportional to their cooling power: all panels are now equally expensive (in electricity) per unit of cooling power. This raises the electrical consumption of the larger static panels (which were buggily cheap in stock), but at least you can turn them off now!

How to install

Unzip into your GameData folder, same as any mod.


With KSP 1.0.5, radiators just got better (they can actively refrigerate components colder than themselves), but at a cost (they now consume electricity while operating).

However, what if you don't have anything that needs cooling? The thirsty radiators are sitting there draining your electricity.

With the folding panels, this isn't a problem: when you retract them, they stop cooling (and therefore stop draining electricity). However, the static panels are always on, and always draining, and there's no way to turn them off.

This mod gives you a way to turn them off when you don't need them.

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