L-Tech Scientific Industries Continued CKAN

A continuation of L-Tech Sciencific Industries.

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Source code: linuxgurugamer/L-Tech

Downloads: 16,008

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Support this mod: Donate

Followers: 27

L-Tech Scientific Industries Continued

This is a continuation of L-Tech Scientific Industries.

L-Tech Sciencific Industries is a mod designed to add to the career mode of Kerbal Space Program by providing new ways to generate science, aswell as experimenting with new device types.



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Supported Mods

Incompatible Mods

New in v0.4.4

  • Performance updates
  • Removed unnecessary saving
  • Settings icon wasn't correctly updated in flight scene
  • Updated ToolbarWrapper (again)
  • Switched tech level of cameras with each other



This work is licensed under the MIT License.

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  1. synthroid1.com
  2. lasix100.com
  3. amoxicillin500.com
  4. doxycycline1.com
  5. tadalafil2.com
  6. spacedock.info
  7. lisinopril40.com
  8. valtrex1.com
  9. tadalafil20tab.com
  10. albendazoletablets.com

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