Surface Mounted Lights

This package provides extra lighting parts that allow illuminating station or vessel to make it more nice and usable in the dark.

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Game Version: 1.12.1

Source code: ihsoft/SurfaceLights

Downloads: 68,210

Author: ihsoft

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Support this mod: Donate

Followers: 189

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Surface Mounted Lights

The stock light parts are designed to light the distant objects. However, the station itself needs some lighting to be usable when passing thru the dark side of the celestial body. The lighting parts in this mod are designed to highlight the surface, on which they are mounted.

Omni Light

Illuminates a small area on the vessel's surface.
Omni Light

Spot Light

Illuminate the parts and objects at a small distance.
Spot Light

4Way Spot light

A special version of the spot light that emits light in 4 perpendicular directions. Each light can be adjusted and controlled independently.
Spot Light


  • The stock lights get an ability to change the lens color. It make them looking much cooler.
    Illuminator Mk1 Illuminator Mk2
  • All light parts, including the stock ones, can be adjusted in flight when EVA. The following properties can be adjusted:
    • On/OFF status. Even if the vessel that owns the part is not controllable.
    • Color of the light.
    • The light part lens intensity. In Advanced Tweakables mode only.
    • The spotlight angle. In Advanced Tweakables mode only.
    • The light range. In Advanced Tweakables mode only.

Languages supported

Русский Русский

Italiano Italiano

Español Español

Português Português


You can support this and the other of my mods on Patreon. This is where I post my ideas, prototypes and the features development progress.

How to install

  • Recommended:
    • Install and run CKAN.
    • Search for "Surface Mounted Lights", then install the mod.
    • Occasionally run CKAN client to update the mod to the latest version.
  • Manual:
    • Download the ZIP archive:
    • If you have an older version of the mod in your game, you must delete all the old files first! Do not just copy over, this will likely result in compatibility issues.
    • Unzip the release archive into the game's GameData folder.
      • Note, that names of the folders must be exactly like in the archive or the mod won't work.
      • The release archive contains a minimum version of the required dependency: ModuleManager. If your game has better versions, do not overwrite!
    • Verify the installation: the mod's file must be located at <game root>/GameData/SurfaceLights/


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