Dres Plus CKAN

Dres Plus is a mod that revamps Dres to make it more awesome!

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.1.3

Downloads: 4,346

Author: WillThe84th

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 15

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

This mod requires Koperncius


  • Re-sizes Dres to be 950 km in radius instead of previous 138 km.
  • Dres has rings! (They need some work though)
  • Dres' orbit is more circular and less inclined to make it more like a planet.
  • Surface gravity of Dres is now 2.1g
  • Dres spins very fast now, with a rotational period of around a half an hour. (This makes landings easier than you would think)
  • Dres has three moons.
  • Opaki is the largest moon of Dres
  • It almost entirely covered in a deep blue ocean, except for the poles, which have some land.
  • It has a thick oxygen atmosphere which extends to 40 km.
  • It is about half the size of Kerbin with a gravity of 0.4g.
  • Okuv is the next moon.
  • It is white and brown which makes it look like a snowball that was dropped in mud.
  • It orbits Dres in such a way that it looks like it actually orbits Opaki in a very elliptical and inclined fashion.de
  • In terms of landing, it is somewhere in between the Mun and Minmus, as it has a radius of about 100 km.
  • Ast. DIR-284 (also known as Fonzo) is a small moon in the asteroid belt.
  • It is dull and grey like the other asteroids.
  • It is a bit bigger than Gilly with a radius of 19 km, which makes it a Class-V Asteroid. (Yes, I did the math)

Please go to the forum thread fro more information.

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