Kerbol Origins CKAN

A stockalike planet pack designed to fill in the gaps of the stock system, while being based on the old SQUAD planet rumors and Click and drag to move Edit Kerbol Originsart style.

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.8.1

Downloads: 39,281

Mod Website: Forum Thread

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Followers: 74

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Download . Works great with Kerbol Origins!

What does this mod add?

Kerbol Origins is a stockalike pack made to fill in the gaps the stock Kerbol system has while adding more fun and interesting places to visit, from cold giant snowballs to giant majestic gas giants. With a broad selection of 13 celestial bodies you'll never get bored of exploring rocky potatoes. It is strongly influenced by stock art and based on NovaSilisko's ideas (former planet designer of SQUAD


So many giant potatoes...


Faz is Eve's second moon, a tiny little asteroid-like moon with smooth surface. It is inspired by one of NovaSilisko's test planet with the same name, that however had giant collidable christals on its surface.


Harvest is what is left from the collision of Kerbin with proto-planet Beya, the same collision that scientists believe gave born to the Mun we all know and love. Harvest remains forever trailing behind in Kerbin's L-4 point. It is also inspired by NovaSilisko's experiments. In the original version he created, the dwarf planet contained large canyons but all was left from it was the basis for current Tylo's heightmap.


Rega is a small dwarf planet just like Dres that was only recently discovered. It sports a huge ring system that was captured by the little body while the Kerbol system was still in formation.


Sarvin is the analogue for the famous Gas Planet Two planned by NovaSilisko that part of the community dreamed about. It is the home of 5 moons (Daphy, Potatus, Fonso, Eeloo and Shayle) and an interesting ring system inspired somewhat by Saturn's rings. Blue is the definitory color for the Sarvin System (information about moons won't be shown here)


Keelon is a huge Superkerban (Superterran) planet with a thick atmosphere and interesting mountains that make slowing down a pretty great challenge. Danger is the definitory word for this redish world. It is home of three moons, Manai (lava moon), Revus (giant snowball) and Lok (potato moon with interesting colors and equatorial bulge). It was also planned by NovaSilisko except the moons.


Corolet is an icy comet and also the most distant large body in the Kerbol system known to kerbal kind, even farther than Keelon. With a very high eccentricity, dust and ice tails (like real comments) emerge from its surface when close to Perihelion.


  1. Install the required dependency first (Kopernicus).
  2. Merge the downloaded files (GameData folder) with the existing GameData located in you game directory.
  3. If you have problems with memory ussage (the pack is very big but well optimised) you can delete planets. They are split in three systems located inside GameData\KerbolOrigins... . To delete Faz, Harvest, Rega and Corolet delete the DwarfPlanets folder. To delete the entire Sarvin or Keelon system folders, delete SarvinSystem or KeelonSystem.
  4. Run the game.
  5. Send some hugs...
  6. ...
  7. Proffit???
Thank you for trying this planet pack. I'm doing this in my free time so to support me, consider regurally checking out the Forum Thread. For any issues or bugs related to this mod, report ont the same forum thread. :)


  • Sarbian for maintaining ModuleManager
  • Kcreator for making the origional KittopiaTech
  • Gravitasi for updating the Kopernicus/Kittopia plugins
  • BryceSchroeder, Teknoman117, Thomas P. and NathanKell for making & maintaining the Kopernicus plugin this mod relies on.
  • TheWhiteGuardian for his work on little important tweaks and mod intergration.
  • JKillAshley and Thomas P. for feedback and for teaching me how to Kopernicus.
  • Olympic1 for helping me with development, like TheWhiteGuardian.can embed YouTube videos or screenshots. Be creative.
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