Kolony Constructs

New parts & statics for bases

License: GPL-3.0

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 274

Author: Lonelykermit

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 2

Kolony Constructs

Kolony Constructs aims to add a suite of new parts and statics for building bases and colonies.

Forum Thread

What this mod adds (so far)

  • ESA "Moon village" inspired parts


Module Manager

Kerbal Konstructs

Stockalike station parts expansion redux (for the inflatable dome logic)

Highly Recommended mods

Planetside Exploration Technologies



  1. Unzip the file
  2. Merge the GameData Folder or place KolonyConstructs into GameData

Roadmap and future plans


Compatibility with other mods,

KSP2 inspired parts and statics

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  1. spacedock.info
  2. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  3. www.google.com
  4. duckduckgo.com
  5. sd1b.52k.de
  6. www.inoreader.com
  7. cn.bing.com
  8. yandex.ru
  9. yandex.by

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