
adds Saturn style rings to dres to emulate the ones it received in ksp2 and Jupiter style rings to jool

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 239

Author: catsasome99

Followers: 1

my favriote planet is saturn because of its rings

the lack of rings in the stock kerbol system has always been a dissapointment for me im aware of the outerplanets mod and its sarnun but I wanted a stock solution as well

when ksp2 released and i saw dres's new rings I despitlly wanted a version of it for ksp1 when I did farther research I learned about the absense of such mod

so i made my own and added jupiter style dust rings to jool whille I was it

here are some pictures

DRES: surface orbit

JOOL orbit from bops orbit near laythes orbit on a incline this one might be hard to see on darker monitors

from the surface of laythe this one might be hard to see on darker montiors

NOTE: this mod is still underdevlopment and i would love to here any suggestions or ideas you have to improve on this or make it look prettrier

REQUIRES Kopernicus and its depencies

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