Darpa HTV-2 Falcon

HTV-2 Falcon an interesting experimental hypersonic glider

License: CC-BY

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 945

Author: Flandre_Scarlet

Followers: 0

Darpas HTV-2 Falcon is an experimental hypersonic glider capable of mach 20+ Recommend using large payload shell of 5mm since this thing was made for RO but im not sure how to make a cfg for it bui assembled it for stock so anyone using stock can use it and reaction control is included to make maunevering much easier but ift if anyone is willing to make a cfg for RO for this then dm me on discord: f14d_tomcat

highly recommend downloading ferram: https://github.com/dkavolis/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/releases/tag/v0.16.1.2_Marangoni for reentry always bind deflection example custom 1 decrease flap deflection custom 2 increase flap deflection for left elevon for right example custom 3 increase flap deflection custom 4 decrease flap deflection highly recommend during reentry to always have it atflap setting 3 flap and enable flap in flp/splr dont have to change the rest ofthe far roll yaw and pitch stuff module reaction control deals with stability for yaw

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