Kapybara Space Program 2

An alternate universe where Kapybaras are the courageous creatures to explore the Kerbol system, and beyond!

License: MIT

Game Version:

Downloads: 8,918

Authors: abelinoss, cheese3660

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 0

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program 2. Proceed with caution.

Watch the trailer

This mod is still under development and is released in a premature state, so be prepared for a refreshed look soon! In the mean time, bugs, ideas, and traces of kerbals can be sent to Abelinoss on discord.

Mady by:

  • Code: cheese3660

  • 3d Model: Kapybara and Abelinoss

  • Reminders to keep working on the mod: Abelinoss

View the Source code:

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  1. spacedock.info
  2. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  3. www.google.com
  4. sd-prod-live.52k.de
  5. sd1b.52k.de
  6. m.baidu.com
  7. www.bing.com
  8. github.com
  9. search.brave.com
  10. sd1a.52k.de

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