Vizzy Studio
Mod to improve and expand Vizzy, including usability improvements and brand new features.
Please report any bugs here with as much information as possible to reproduce it, including a copy of the player log (AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\Player.log).
On the very first time the game runs with this mod, a backup of your program files will be created next to the originals (AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\UserData\FlightPrograms_backup). If anything goes wrong, remove the mod and restore the program files.
- Modules: organize your program into multiple modules for quick and easy access to specific logic
- All blocks are global. You can have custom expressions/instructions in one module and use them in another
- Move blocks between modules by dragging them to the chosen module on the right-hand side and placing them in a single movement
- Last position and zoom level per module are saved so you can get right back into it
- Imported programs are added to a new module with the program's name (unless it already has modules of its own)
Known issues: when importing a program with modules that match existing modules' name, those modules will be merged.
- References: use custom expressions/instructions from external files without importing them into your program
- Easier to maintain and update common logic
- Prevents code duplication
- Drag a single block out of a group with 'Shift+Left-click'
- Delete selected block with 'Del' key
v0.4 - Current Version
- Local variables: variables available only within the current instruction set
- Reduces clutter in the variables panel
- Allows for cleaner, more readable code
- 'Return' block: return values from custom instructions
- Cleaner code by reducing the need for global variables
- Allows better code partioning
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