Module Multi Light CKAN

Ever wanted to turn many lights on/off/blink with a single button click?

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 873

Authors: jiraiyah, zer0Kerbal

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 0

This is a very simple, small, yet powerfull module mod. In stock, you have ModuleLight, the problem with this module is that it only accepts a single object's name as light object and if you want to have more than one light on your part, you need to add more light modules, problem is, it will create one button per light! Now, what if you have 8 lights around a circular shape that should light everything at once? normally you would like to turn all of them On/Off and Blink at once with a single button click. This little Module does that and with a little extra property for you. The normal usage is like this :

    name = ModuleMultiLight  
    lightName = light_obj_1, light_obj_2, light_obj_3  
    lightRange = 10;  
    useAnimationDim = True  
        animationName = AnimationturnON  
        lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5  
        lightDimSpeed = 2.5  
    disableColorPicker = False  
        toggleInEditor = True  
        toggleInFlight = True  
    canBlink = True  
        blinkMin = 0.2  
        blinkMax = 2.0  
        blinkRate = 0.5  
        isBlinking = False  
    useResources = True  
        resourceName = ElectricCharge  
        resourceAmount = 0.002  

As you can see, we can add as many object names as we want (don't be afraid of a single space between comma and name, they will be removed by code, so use it :D) Now, what you will get in game? a single button that will turn all those light objects on/off/blink at once !

In the new update, added the functionality for searching the children. Think about a parent Game Object that has all the ligths as it's children, just put the name of this object for lightName and that's it, the module will find all the children under it that are light objects and adds them to the list.

Known Bugs : Until someone help me on this one, when you turn on the lights on the vessel and leave it, when you come back to vessel, the ring is lighten and colored but non of the ligths actually give light nor color, you need to turn the lights off and on again to see the light functioning properly.

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