KerbalView Mod
Allows a glimpse of the galaxy through the eyes of kerbals.
Use SpaceWarps 0.4 to install it. Kudos to ultimaxx9 for updating it.
1.1.2 Changelog
- Added IVA. Use [Alt] + 2 to activate and [Alt] + 3 to cycle between Kerbals.
- Camera tweak for VR Supp
- [Bug] If you die while IVA, your camera will destroy, disable first person before that or save the game and reload.

1.1.1 Changelog
- Camera bug fixed
- Disabled emote animations in first person
- Camera placement tweaked
[New] Personal Portable Teleskope. Right click in first person to enable moving your eyes. Use mouse wheel up/down to alternate between zooms
You can spot Mun or Minmus from Kerbin, but don't try to spot other planets.

How it works
- EVA Helmet Lights. Press [Alt] + [L] or Toggle Helmet Lights in Kerbal menu.
- Press [Alt] + 2 in Flight Camera Mode Auto to get into First Person View. Press again or change camera mode with V to exit.
- Currently is using the native controls and the camera is locked.
- [A] and [D] to rotate
- [Q] and [E] to slide sideway
- In space you can use [Q] and [E] as yaw
- Field Of View is set to 90.
Known issues
- Bad controls
- Camera may clip with vessels when kerbal is grabbing them
Next feautures
- Revamped controls on land and space (Jetpack)
- Immersive vision
- Configurable values

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