HLS project

This mod adds the Moon version of SpaceX Starship ( the HLS)

License: CC-BY-SA

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 4,129

Authors: Alfeda123, Fossilized

Followers: 6

Welcome to HLS project, a mod that adds the Moon lander chosen by NASA for the Artemis program.

Essential mods * Module manager * Textures unlimited * B9partswitch

Recommended mods * SEP * TUFX


  • Nose cone ( where the kerbonauts lives)
  • Main tank ( where the fuel is stored)
  • cockpit ( the top nose )
  • draco engine (the engine for landing)

The mod is not at the final version, so there might be some bugs If you find some bug then write me in my discord alfeda 123#7330

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  1. spacedock.info
  2. www.google.com
  3. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  4. www.bing.com
  5. www.reddit.com
  6. sd-prod-live.52k.de
  7. sd1b.52k.de
  8. duckduckgo.com
  9. t.co
  10. yandex.ru

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