KSC Floodlights Mk2 CKAN

Yet another Floodlight/Lightning Arrester Tower for Kerbal Space Program & Kerbal Konstructs

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 3,677

Author: TG626

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 11


Using the mesh file so generously supplied by Stone Blue, I have remixed yet another version of the lightning arrester / floodlight tower for the launch pad as KSC.

Once installed alongside Kerbal Konstructs (and it's dependencies) it will create 3 towers around the launch pad with automatic dusk/dawn operation (originally added by Stone Blue). Each tower can also be manually toggled (with satisfying sound effects) by clicking on the tower it's self.

Changes from previous versions

It remains somewhat over-sized (my placements, like Stone Blue's, scales the towers to 0.7 of their original size), but I did make the following alterations:

  • Resized / Re-meshed the lamp panel border.
  • Added "struts" to support the lamp panel.
  • Reduced range and altered power to provide a lower light level more in line with the lighting provided by the built in water tower spotlight (See NOTE below).
  • Added sound effect (powered by built in KK functionality)
  • Corrected delay in tower being "ready" to be clicked again after being clicked - tower can not be clicked again as soon as the light is fully on or off.
  • Altered / Re-skinned to have a white/gray coloring and detailed extinguished lamps.

Prototype Info

In 2009, LC-39B saw the installation of three nearly 600' tall towers as part of a new "Lightning Protection System" at the historic launch pad. Previous uses for Apollo and the Space Shuttle did not have such comprehensive protection. These towers, meant to be a more attractive target for "Zeus", are by necessity significantly taller than the launch vehicles they protect. They are painted a light gray color from top to bottom and hold cables aloft to harmlessly redirect electrical discharges to the ground and away from launch vehicles.

Further Reading @ NASA.gov https://www.nasa.gov/feature/lightning-towers-stand-tall-at-nasa-kennedy-s-launch-pad-39b


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