JakesKonstructStatics CKAN

Includes KerbalKonstruct configs for models from Stock-like Station Parts / KSP Interstellar / Planetary Domes

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 1,425

Author: onesaltypringle

Followers: 5

Example of a Lunar Base built with Jake's Statics

This Mod is an addon for KerbalKonstructs

JakesKonstructStatics depends on these mods, they are ALL required for install.
-KSPIE (KSP Interstellar Extended)
-Stocklike Station Parts Redux

All Statics can be found at the bottom of the KK Statics browser with the Title: ATL <PARTNAME>
More Static Props will be added soon! (Road pieces, Engine props)

This mod contains beautifully modeled parts configured for KK


  1. Download and Install KerbalKonstrucs Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux KSP Interstellar Extended Planetary Domes
  2. Drop GameData folder from ZIP in KSP main Directory
  3. Launch! (All Statics are tagged with ATL <PARTNAME> so they will show up at the bottom of the static manager in the ctrl+K menu)

Common Kerbal Konstructs 1.12 Issues:

  1. LaunchSite is stuck in "Locked" state in Career Mode.
    Solution: Edit difficulty settings to "open all" sites OR go to GameData/KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances/<YOUR_LaunchSite_Static.cfg> and edit OpenCloseState = Closed > Open
  2. New LaunchSite Not Showing up in VAB or SPH.
    Solution: This was caused by the new launchsite selector UI change from Breaking Ground/Making History simply exiting to main menu and reloading the save seems to reload the selector.
    (if it still didnt work, the facillity is still closed)
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