orbital tweaker

allows the player to change the stock game's celestial bodies' orbits.

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 373

Followers: 1

This is a plugin i made for kerbal space program 1.12.5 that allows you to select a celestial body, and change both it's orbital eccentricity and semi-major axes.

how to use:

use keys R, Y and O to toggle the menus that you can use to use the mod

select a celestial body (the one you wanna change the orbit of)

Semi major axes:

tap the negative numbers to increase the altitude or the positive ones to decrease (gonna change that later on)


tap the positive ones to increase and the negatives to decrease the body's orbital inclination

please have in mind it is not finished, i'm still gonna add more functionality such as inclination change, and if you find any bugs or crashes, i'll try and fix'em.


only works with stock system

collision just makes bodies pass through each other (don't expect this to be a sandbox)

doesn't have inclination change (yet)

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