Zive System CKAN

My second ever planet pack. This time I created one whole star system!

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Source code: Sushutt/ZiveSystem

Downloads: 3,666

Author: Sushut

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 7

Zive System adds one extra star with five planets and a brown dwarf orbiting it. Three planets of which have one or more unique-ish moons!

This planet pack also includes optional homeswitch, but for some reason the space center view is completely black. The GUI buttons are visible so this shouldn't affect gameplay.

To install, simply merge the GameData folder in the "main" folder of the mod. Homeswitch is in the "optional" folder.

Needs KopernicusExpansion!!

Supports Scatterer and EVE!!!

Installation Instructions 1. Download ZiveSystem.zip

  1. In ZiveSystem.zip\ZiveSystem\Main\GameData, move the ZivezdaSystem folder to your KSP GameData folder.

Optional. To install homeswitch, move ZiveHomeswitch in ZiveSystem.zip\ZiveSystem\Optional\GameData to your KSP GameData folder.

  1. Install KopernicusExpansion. (In the download page, download the file named "KEX-Plugins.zip")

  2. Play the mod.

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