Tantares patch for CLS

this should work for use Tantares parts with connected living spaces mod

License: GPL-3.0

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 2,979

Followers: 2

its my first time making an patch so it can have bugs or problems so if you found something please report it, before that check on discord if another user reported it

for any problem or bug with the mod contact me on the discord server


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  2. www.google.com
  3. sd-prod-live.52k.de
  4. yandex.ru
  5. sd1a.52k.de
  6. sd1b.52k.de
  7. github.com
  8. www.bing.com
  9. duckduckgo.com
  10. githubmemory.com

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