AtomicTech Inc. Junkyards

More Command Pods, Base/Station Parts, Nuclear Engines and, Old KSP Parts with new uses.

License: BSD-3, Varies (See Files)

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 25,024

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 8


An odd selection of modified parts and new ones that've made their way into a mod for your enjoyment!

Created by AtomicTech and Watermel00n with work from ColdJ, panarchist, Caerfinon, Snark, Jarin, PorkJet, JebediahKerloby, zer0Kerbal, JadeOfMarr, steedcrungeon, LinuxGuruGamer, hoojiwana, Mad Rocket Scientist, Tokamak, LouisB3, RocketWitch, Knight of St. John, and HebaruSan.

Download Instructions

1.) Download the Zip File.

2.) Open the Zip.

3.) Drag and drop the AtomicTech folder into KSP's GameData Folder.

4.) Profit!


This requires ModuleManager and Atomic Technologies Incorporated to function.

Also, make sure that this mod's folder is named AtomicTech, not AtomicTech (2).

Note: Snacks! isn't 100% required but is highly recommended for maximum player enjoyment.

Upgraded Specs

| Part | Junkyards specs | Original specs |


| New LV-N NERV Variant (Needs Waterfall + Stock Waterfall Effects) | 70 kN of thrust, Alternator. Weighs 2.65t. Vacuum ISP at 841s and ASL ISP at 300s | 60 kN of thrust, no power gen. Weighs 3t |

| Any command module | Loaded with a backup fuel cell with 67% efficiency compared to stock fuel cell. | No power gen. |

| Any stock engine | 2.5 unit battery added | No battery |

| Mark 1-2 Capsule | Capsule re-added into the game. Still working on it! | Capsule is deprecated. |

| Raptor Reliant | Thrust is accurately scaled to kerbal sized based on the thrust of SpaceX's Raptor Engine. Uses old reliant texture. | Texture deprecated.|

| Swiveling Raptor | Basically Raptor Reliant but with thrust vectoring. Uses old swivel texture | Texture deprecated |

| HG-5 | Stat tweak | Uh, not tweaked stats. |

| Toroidal Aerospike | Increased ISP making it more valuable and useful. | Uh, not tweaked stats. |

| New Mark One Crew Cabin | Downsized Science Bay with reduced capabilites. | Only holds two Kerbals, not really useful for anything other than storing Kerbals. |

| Fuel Cell | No longer violates the Laws of Thermodynamics. (Expect Completion Upon v1.4.1) | Violates the Laws of Thermodynamics. |

| HG-5 | Stat tweak | Uh, not tweaked stats. |

New parts/stats

New Blue Cirrus Snack Generator!

New Suits based off of the Original and Future Suits. Comes in lots of flavors (i.e. Colors)

New Multipurpose Propellant used in the AT-NTRO Advanced RCS Engine and to increase the efficiency of the Blue Cirrus.

The Xenon-O-Tron that uses the Convert-O-Tron 125 to convert intake air to Multipurpose Propellant, Xenon Gas, and Oxidizer.

1.875m Xenon Tank from MissingHistory by Snark. Redistributed under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 LICENSE.

A Vernor variant, named AT-NTRO Advanced RCS Engine, that runs on multipurpose propellant.

Modified Greenhouse Parts from PSA-Greenhouse. Redistributed under the GPLv3 LICENSE.

Modified Palici and Stowaway Parts from MissingHistory by Snark. Redistributed under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 LICENSE.

A selection of Vintage KSP Parts from TriggeredSnake's Old Parts Redux. Redistributed under the MIT LICENSE.

A Nuclear Reactor that runs on Klutonium, a new resource only found in trace amounts in the rocky planets and in higher concentrations on Tylo, that are adapted from KE-01 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator by JebediahKerloby. Redistributed under the MIT LICENSE.

Note: The Klutonium's statistics are completely original, the only thing it borrows from KE-01 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator is the name.

A revived LANTR from Porkjet's AtomicAge. Used under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.

The UpperStage folder, adapted from TriggeredSnake's Old Parts Redux, reintroduces old parts from previous versions of KSP with new uses!

A revived Taurus HCV from the Taurus HCV 3.75m Command Pod and Service Parts mod by bsquiklehausen, used under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License.

A revived Mark 1-2 Command Pod, adapted from TriggeredSnake's Old Parts Redux. Licensed under the MIT License.

LV-2N and LV-4N variants that are inline with our own NERVO LV-N Variant from Recycled Parts by LinuxGuruGamer. Licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 License.

A New Taurus Hitchhiker and Science Bay modified with all your surface base needs! (Drill not included.) Adapted from Recycled Parts by LinuxGuruGamer, used under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License.

A New Habitation Laboratory/Workshop based off of LinuxGuruGamer's Tokamak Refurbished Parts. Note: It does still require the base mod to function.

The Solid Fuel Cell from Solid Fuel Cell by RocketWitch. Redistributed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 License.

AT-TREL "NERVO" Solid Core Thermonuclear Rocket Engine now has the Knight of St. John's Stock Waterfall Effects, redistributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Other engines in this mod will receive the effects adapted from Knight of St. John's Stock Waterfall Effects (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) and from LinuxGuruGamer's Recycled Parts (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0).

PorkJet's RAPIER Variant, redistributed under the CC-BY-NC 3.0 License. If I can get it working, dammit!

Mad Rocket Scientist's NK-33, redistributed under the CC-BY-4.0 License.

Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle by _ForgeUser29826804, redistributed under the BSD License.


This requires ModuleManager and Atomic Technologies Incorporated to function.

It also requires Waterfall and Stock Waterfall Effects for the beautiful new plumes.



Who knows how those test dummies got there?

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