This mod is designed to allow you to keep any number of notes with a vessel, and also to keep a mission log. There is an Autolog setting which, when enabled, will have the mod add log entries for specific types of events (listed below)
- Allow any number of notes to be entered. Notes can be edited and deleted at any time.
- Allow any number of log entries to be entered. Log entries can be edited, but not deleted.
- Both log entries and notes can be copied to the clipboard for use outside of the game
- Logs and Notes are stored in ALL parts with ModuleCommand. Notes and logs entered on one will be copied to all the other parts with ModuleCommand.
- Notes can be entered in the editor and will carry over into flight.
- Skin can be switched at any time with a single button click
- Font size can be adjusted both up and down on the fly
- Activated by buttons in the PAW
- Part highlighted while working in the window
- When vessel is recovered, all the log entries will be saved in a file in the directory: <savedir>/VesselLogs
- Note that if you have multiple ModuleCommands on a recovered vessel, there will be multiple files written
- Files will have unique names, starting with the vessel name, with a date/time stamp and a unique last number
- Auto-log setting adds log entries for the following events
- onCrashSplashdown
- onLaunch
- onStageSeparation
- onStageActivate
- onPartDie
- onVesselOrbitClosed
- onVesselOrbitEscaped
- onCrewKilled
- Only if the crew was in the vessel at the time of the death. Crew on EVA are not monitored
- onDominantBodyChange (SOI change)
- onKerbalPassedOutFromGeeForce
- onVesselDocking
- onUndock
- onCrewOnEva
- OnTriggeredDataTransmission
- VesselSituation.onReachSpace
- onVesselSituationChange
- VesselSituation.onReturnFromOrbit
- VesselSituation.onReturnFromSurface
- When a vessel undocks, all notes and logs are marked as locked, meaning that any further changes to any of the locked notes/logs will not be propogated to any other part with ModuleCommand, even if you redock with the same ship. This is done for consistency.
For a single part, only one of the two (notes/logs) can be displayed at any time. There is a button on each to allow fast switching to the other.
This is what the Notes window looks like:
This is the Log window

- Click Through Blocker
- ToolbarController
- SpaceTuxLibrary
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