Vessel Notes & Logs

This mod is designed to allow you to keep any number of notes with a vessel, and also to keep a mission log. There is an Autolog setting which, when enabled, will have the mod add log entries for specific types of events

License: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

Game Version: 1.12.4

Downloads: 3,995

Author: linuxgurugamer

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Support this mod: Donate

Followers: 15

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

This mod is designed to allow you to keep any number of notes with a vessel, and also to keep a mission log. There is an Autolog setting which, when enabled, will have the mod add log entries for specific types of events (listed below)


  • Allow any number of notes to be entered. Notes can be edited and deleted at any time.
  • Allow any number of log entries to be entered. Log entries can be edited, but not deleted.
  • Both log entries and notes can be copied to the clipboard for use outside of the game
  • Logs and Notes are stored in ALL parts with ModuleCommand. Notes and logs entered on one will be copied to all the other parts with ModuleCommand.
  • Notes can be entered in the editor and will carry over into flight.
  • Skin can be switched at any time with a single button click
  • Font size can be adjusted both up and down on the fly
  • Activated by buttons in the PAW
  • Part highlighted while working in the window
  • When vessel is recovered, all the log entries will be saved in a file in the directory: <savedir>/VesselLogs
  • Note that if you have multiple ModuleCommands on a recovered vessel, there will be multiple files written
  • Files will have unique names, starting with the vessel name, with a date/time stamp and a unique last number
  • Auto-log setting adds log entries for the following events
  • onCrashSplashdown
  • onLaunch
  • onStageSeparation
  • onStageActivate
  • onPartDie
  • onVesselOrbitClosed
  • onVesselOrbitEscaped
  • onCrewKilled
  • Only if the crew was in the vessel at the time of the death. Crew on EVA are not monitored
  • onDominantBodyChange (SOI change)
  • onKerbalPassedOutFromGeeForce
  • onVesselDocking
  • onUndock
  • onCrewOnEva
  • OnTriggeredDataTransmission
  • VesselSituation.onReachSpace
  • onVesselSituationChange
  • VesselSituation.onReturnFromOrbit
  • VesselSituation.onReturnFromSurface
  • When a vessel undocks, all notes and logs are marked as locked, meaning that any further changes to any of the locked notes/logs will not be propogated to any other part with ModuleCommand, even if you redock with the same ship. This is done for consistency.

For a single part, only one of the two (notes/logs) can be displayed at any time. There is a button on each to allow fast switching to the other.

This is what the Notes window looks like:

This is the Log window


  • Click Through Blocker
  • ToolbarController
  • SpaceTuxLibrary
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