SOC: Simple Orbit Calculator

An in-game calculator to calculate basic orbital elements from pre-determined inputs.

License: GPLv2

Game Version: 1.12.1

Downloads: 2,868

Author: linuxgurugamer

Mod Website: Forum Thread

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Followers: 5

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Instructions for the orbit calculator

You can access the calculator by clicking the AppLauncher icon (or Blizzy's Toolbar icon) with the image of "SOC".

  1. Select the celestial body on the left.
  2. To the right of the celestial bodies, select two orbital elements (you cannot select both semi-major axis and orbital period; it would create an ambiguous case). The other elements will be disabled from input at this point.
  3. As an option, you can use either apoapsis/periapsis as altitudes above sea level of parent body or as distances from the center of the parent body. Just toggle the Use Altitudes for Apsides option near the bottom under Options.
  4. Enter your target values. The S button on the same row of the orbital period will set the orbital period to the parent body's rotation period (useful for synchronous orbits).
  5. Click the Calculate button, which will fill in the other elements and display below more in-depth information of the calculated orbit. Any errors will be reported.
  6. Optionally, if you are currently in a flight scene, you can click the Use Current Orbit button to use your current orbit or click the Use Target Orbit to use your target's orbit.
  7. Because the calculation will fill in other elements that you did not choose, you will be free to use those easily in other calculations. Just de-select the elements you do not need, and select the new ones. This is very useful for calculating Hohmann transfers.

Instructions for the Hohmann transfer calculator

  1. Once you have calculated an orbit above, click either Save as Orbit 1 or Save as Orbit 2.
  2. When two orbits are saved that have the same parent body, the delta-v for the transfer will be calculated and displayed below.
  3. Click the C buttons to clear their respective orbits.

Instructions for the info mode

  1. Select the celestial body on the left.
  2. Toggle on Celestial Body Info Mode from the options on the right.

Current Features

  • Will automatically detect all celestial bodies known to KSP and their properties, including changes/additions by RSS or Planet Factory like mods.
  • Allowed inputs include: Apoapsis, Periapsis, Semi-Major Axis, Eccentricity, Orbital Period.
  • Other information displayed after calculation: Orbital Speeds at Apoapsis and Periapsis, Mean Orbital Speed, Launch Delta-V (the minimum dV required to launch to or land from the orbit), Max Darkness Length (useful for Remote Tech satellite electric charge calculations).
  • Can use your current vessel's or target's orbit as input.
  • Can save two orbits to calculate the delta-v required for a Hohmann transfer.
  • Celestial Body Info mode will display orbit and physical characteristics of the selected body, similar to that found on a wiki page.


  • Click Through Blocker
  • ToolbarController
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