Japris Stellar Neighborhood CKAN

Japris Stellar Neighborhood adds over a two dozen new planets and moons to KSP, remakes the stock system and adds 3 new star systems to explore.

License: Creative Commons Atribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Game Version: 1.10.1

Downloads: 8,038

Author: EveManiac

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 9

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

NOTE: This mod is currently in Beta and does not have all of the core features. Bugs will occur, and planetary appearances will be changed. Hello and welcome to my download page of my newest mod, Japris Stellar Neighborhood.

What I found I dislike about a lot of other star system planet packs is that in order to get there you need a warp drive mod. Great Eye Candy, but you can't really do meaningful things there, at least in my opinion

So JSN plans to create systems that are relatively nearby and force you to go there in order to complete the tech tree, as well as mixing up the main Kerbol System. I also plan on having a wormhole network to take you to some of the farther systems away.

STATUS: Working on Oppo and Toxo. (Note, this will not always be accurate and will probably be outdated).

Highly Recommended Mods: 1. KSP Interstellar Extended 2. Kerbal Alarm Clock

Compatibility: 1. (Nothing at the moment, planetshine support will be added in 0.3.1)

License: CC-BY-NC-SA


  1. KopernicusContinued, under a GNU Lesser General Public License, currently maintained by forum user @prestja.
  2. KopernicusContiuned's dependencies.

Installation Instructions: Drag and drop the contents of the GameData folder (JaprisStellarNeigborhood Folder), NOT the JSNv0.2 folder.


0.0 Initial Release

0.1 Major System Changes, fixed minor bugs with Crucible, added correct light curves for Arayya and Creeon, and rebalanced lens flares.

0.1.1 Made minor changes to Crucible, added Retuo and Bold.

0.1.2 Added Evap, and made a few minor bug fixes.

0.1.3 Added Zip and Zep, and fixed a bug where landing gear would pass through the ground on Bold and Evap.

0.2 Remade Apearance and Terrain of Romily.

0.3 Revamped Crucible and Fuischa. Added 3 moons to Crucible, which are named Magmina, Sut and Hote.

0.3.1 Revamped Doosem, added Oppo and Toxo. Added Planetshine support.

0.4 Revamped Dindin, Evap, Retuo, and Desper. Changed the inclinations and orbits of Arayya, Creeon, Evap, and Minmus.

0.5 Added a new Star System, Zoildore and one planet and it's moon, Therix and Sytha. Creeon is now getting planets for the first time which include Roa, Fia, Yilara, and Cadaver. The Kerbol system has gotten new additions and revamps, such as Arcas, Echion, Bold, Desper, and Fuischa. Crucible has been revamped as well.

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