Apollo Recreation Kit

Recreate the Moon landing - the way it "really" happened...

License: ARR

Game Version: 1.10.1

Downloads: 2,575

Author: Benjee10

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 13

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

51 years ago today, Kerbals walked on the Mun for the first time...


Exclusive new evidence now shows that in fact, the Mun landing we all know was filmed on a sound stage.... on Dres!

With Apollo Recreation Kit, you too can recreate the iconic Apollo missions the way they actually happened*.

This mod adds a number of parts & props to build your own soundstage and fake the Moon landing on any planet you so choose.


  • Film lights
  • Clapperboard
  • Film camera
  • Tripod
  • Director's chair
  • Modular stage blocks (switchable surface texture - Wood/Moon/Black)
  • Backdrops in two sizes (switchable backdrop texture - Moon/Greenscreen)

Requires Kerbal Inventory System to function. Other dependencies are bundled.


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