Stork Delivery System (SDS)
Kermangeddon Industries

A Payload parts mod that Delivers your big cargo to the planet surface without flipping!
Stork Delivery System SDS adopted for curation by zer0Kerbal Originally created by riocrokite

Vertical frames with integrated legs for interstage and planetary delivery.
Mod characteristics
- allows you to deliver tall 2.5m or 3.75m diameter parts to planet surface thanks to 6m long, extendable legs.
- [NEW] introducing the Jumbo sized models - capable of handling 5.0m and 7.5m parts. (24m and 14m tall)
- lightweight - reusing same textures wherever possible
- integrated approach - one integrated part for frame and legs to increase stability and reduce part count
Example usages:
Delivery of cargo trucks (with an assistance of JebPush TM at the end:))
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Warnings or 'cabin sticky notes'
- When placing engines above center of mass be sure to either lock gimbals or not use SAS because of KSP bug {you might try to solve it using Tweakable Everything mod and reversing thrust of engines that are above center of mass}
- Avoid rocket/jet blast directed at the legs when they are extended. Prolonged blast will destroy the frame.
- Extending process take some time so you have to account for that when preparing to land.
Installation Directions
- Use CKAN (best way)
— or —
- Before installation please delete StorkDeliverySystem folder in KermangeddonIndustries catalog. (GameData/KermangeddonIndustries/~StorkDeliverySystem~/)
- Then copy .zip content into your GameData folder.
Changelog Summary
See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes

Stork Delivery System is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which in layman's terms means:
- You are permitted to use, copy and redistribute my work as-is.
- You may remix your own derivatives (new models, alternative textures, etc.) and release them under your own name.
- You may not use the material for any commercial purposes.
- You must use the same license as the original work.
- You must credit the following people when publishing your derivative: riocrokite (Stork Delivery System).
- All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses
- All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses
Content originally created by
v0.0.4.0 original: 17 Jul 2018 zed'K | updated: 24 Feb 2020 zed'K
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