The JNSQ KSC Harbor without JNSQ. KSC Extended (in background) not included.

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Game Version: 1.9.1

Downloads: 17,578

Author: JadeOfMaar

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 32

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

KSC Harbor

Licensed: CC-BY-NC-SA

The JNSQ KSC Harbor without JNSQ. KSC Extended (in background) not included.


  • Spawn points: Helipad, Rover, Water (directly over the submerged giant triangle).
  • Payload Integration Complex has a business module. Assign kerbals to it and it farms funds and pays for itself in 3 years with 1 kerbal or 1 year with max kerbals.
  • Hangars can store craft and retrieve crew. Mass per craft and number of craft will vary. Do not place other vessels where stored vessel was. Bad things will happen when retrieving vessels.
  • Medium Dish Station near the Helipad is a GroundStation, closed by default due to proximity to KSC.
  • Standalone Utility Buildings will hold 1.33x the amount of a mid-sized Kerbodyne tank and accept any resources held by active vessel.
  • Two fuel depots allow for refueling the active vessel if near enough (and if player has $$ in Career). Compatible with CRP and WBI Cassic Stock.


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