Distant Darkness CKAN

This planet pack adds 3 "Plodnoids" (Sednoids) to the distant-outer system.

License: GPLv3

Game Version: 1.7.3

Downloads: 1,709

Author: GurrenLagann

Followers: 2

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Its dark out here... Welcome to Distant Darkness!

This planet pack adds 3 "Plodnoids" (analogs of the Sednoids) far away from Kerbol/The Sun.

Kopernicus is required for this to work! The Plod System is recommended in order for the concept of Plodnoids to make sense.

Lets get to the bodies!

Badires - 2012 VP113 analog. Its a purple limestone dwarf planet with canyons.

Gonia - 2015 TG387/The Goblin analog. A yellow-olive rock even farther than Plod.

  • Ollin - The first, but small asteroid moon. Its a blue asteroid.

  • Olloa - Nicknamed "Gonia's Gold Nugget". My personal favourite, with a giant mountain range.

Fecuria - 2014 FE72 analog. The most distant body, being a green dwarf planet.

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