KSC Extended
FOR KSP 1.8.x or above!
Expanding your KSC for all your space program needs.
This is a collaboration between me and @Omega482 to give you the best possible KSC experience we can offer. This is a Config based mod, please download the recommended mods!
Planned features
Anyone's guess
Known issues
Roads can be bumpy, we are working on a fix!
Required Mods
Kerbal Konstruct (1.8.x1 or later)
Tundra's Space Center (2.0 or later)
Omega's Stockalike Structures - NTR (0.0.12 or later)
Recommended Mods
Tundra Exploration (For your rocket landing needs) (Also making your TLC-40 worth it! :D )
Scatterer (For all your atmospheric shine needs)
Stock Visual Enhancements (For all your cloudy business needs)
BlueDog Design Bureau (To make your TLC-41 Atlas V, TLC-19 Titan II and TLC-46 Minotaur ready)
Cormorant Aeronology (To make use of the runway and TLC-39A)
reDIRECT (For your SLS needs on TLC-39B)
Modular Launch Pads (To make your rockets ready for launch)
NOT (yet) supported:
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.