Honest Purple's Land O' junk 1.0 CKAN

A parts pack containing the fine wares available at Honest Purple's Land O' junk. THE place for recycled space hardware for those on a budget.

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.5.1

Downloads: 1,257

Author: Purpleivan

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 5

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Honest Purple's Land O' Junk

Are Jeb's sky high prices getting you down. Then COME ON DOWN to Honest Purple's Land O' Junk, for used parts at prices that won't break the bank.

Ol' Purple's got a fine range of genuine reclaimed and recycled space parts, that will get you into orbit and beyond. Take a trip to Honest Purple's Land O' Junk an' you could be taking parts like these home in yer pickup TODAY!

![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/XF7zNxZ.png

What'da we have

We got pods, fuel tanks, rocket engines, even some genuine organic batteries. We even got some near mint condition solar panels to give 'em some juice.

Gotta get a vee-hicle to Minmus, but your stuck on the couch, 'cos the games' on. Well we got yer covered with our fine wooden cased probe cores.

alt text

How can you get some

Unzip the contents of GameData in the ZIP to your GameData folder, as with most mods.


Are these prices the lowest around? - You betcha! All prices are at least 50% lower than that Jebediah fella will sell 'em for.

Are these all the parts you have? - Sure are, until we get to scrape some more off the runway or fish 'em outta the sea.

Are your parts Kerbal Space Commision safety certified? - Hell no, we ain't even heard of of no safety certification... only joshin'... we heard of 'em, we just ignore 'em.

Is an old steel belted radial tire a suitable basis for a toroidal fuel tank? - It sure is, an' all our TR-200's come with at least 10,000km of tread on 'em too.

Some of your parts appear to be repaired with duct tape, is this a suitable repair method for high performance spacecraft parts? - We use only the finest duct tape (Giant Stikko.. you Stikk it, it stay's Stukk) at Honest Purple's Land O' Junk.

Do your parts have the same performance as those of more expensive brands? - They sure do... Jebediah, Rocketdyne, Rockomax and Probodobodyne, they all change you double, just for that new spacecraft smell.

Do any of your parts suffer from behavioral problems in flight? - All our parts are tried (some many times) and true space hardware, but the PBK-100 parachute does act kinda hinky when deployed. It's got 'ol Purple scratching his head, but it does work fine as a chute. Better than a pair of long johns hanging outta the hatch anyway.

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