Bob's Panic Box

Automatic control of the abort systems

License: GPLv3

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 28,616

Author: linuxgurugamer

Mod Website: Forum Thread

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Followers: 25

Launch Day! Jebediah, Bill and Bob were attempting to get to orbit again, in a new rocket.

The countdown

3 2 1 Ignition Liftoff.....

Jebediah, Bill and Bob glanced at each other as the engines roared. The pressure mounted as the rocket lifted off the pad. "Tower cleared", came the call from Mission Control. The rocket rotated a bit. "Roll program complete". "All systems go" The engines continued to fire. All of a sudden, an alarm started sounding.
Jebediah ignored it, kept looking out the window. Bill wasn't much better, but Bob was concerned enough to speak up. "Jebediah, that alarm is going off, don't you think you should abort?" Jebediah replied "No, those alarms always go off" "But, the last time THAT alarm went off, the rocket exploded" Jeb said "That was last time, this time......." That was as far as he got, because:


as the rocket exploded!

Later, in the revival chamber, as they were being reconstituted (again), Bob decided that he wasn't going to do that again. Next time, he decided, he wasn't going to leave it in Jebediah's hands.

A few weeks later, the next launch. Same rocket; they were assured by the engineers and technicians that they had fixed the problem. As usual, the two daredevils, Jebediah & Bill believed them without question, but Bob wasn't so sure and insisted that they install his new invention without telling . He knew that Jebediah would throw a fit if he knew about it.

3, 2, 1, Ignition and Liftoff again

Things went fine for the first few minutes, and then another, different alarm started to sound. This time, however, as soon as it sounded, the abort system was automatically triggered. The capsule was blasted free of the exploding rocket by the LES (Launch Escape System). A few seconds after it burned out, the LES was jettisoned, and then the parachutes deployed. This time, they were gently lowered to the ground, no need for the revival chamber this time. Jebediah was dumbfounded, until....

Bob turned to Jeb, smiled and said "That was my new invention, Bob's Panic Box'. We can now live better lives not having to be reconstituted every time something goes wrong."

This is a beta release, please report bugs.

This mod gives you a reason to put on an escape tower; while stock has a single escape tower, there is wonderful mod called Launch Escape System which adds 4 more towers, for different size vessels

What does it do? The mod can detect the following events:

Explosions Negative vertical velocity High G Excessive AoA (angle of attack) When an event is detected, the abort sequence is triggered (action group). After an abort, a secondary action group sequence can be triggered

There is a timeout, meaning that the mod will only be active at the beginning of a flight, for the specified amount of time. When the timeout is exceeded, an action group can be triggered (for example, to jettison the escape tower).

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