Tundra's Space Center

A mod that is focusing on the next generation launchpads for Kerbal Konstruct.

License: All Rights Reserved License.

Game Version: 1.12.3

Downloads: 140,928

Author: damon

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 128

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Current parts

  • TLC-5
  • TLC-6
  • TLC-5-6 launch control building
  • TLC-14
  • TLC-17
  • TLC-19
  • TLC-34
  • TLC-39A/B
  • TLC-41
  • TLC-40
  • TLC-46
  • Engine Test pads (Horizontal and Vertical)
  • Barge

Planned features

  • More launchpads

Known issues

  • None

Required Mods

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Stats for Tundra's Space Center

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Top Referrers

  1. spacedock.info
  2. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  3. www.google.com
  4. yandex.ru
  5. www.bing.com
  6. github.com
  7. www.youtube.com
  8. duckduckgo.com
  9. www.spacedock.info
  10. www.reddit.com

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