ABookCase Orbital Reference System Updated

A simple mod that displays altitude of an orbit at a point by hovering the mouse over it.

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Source code: linuxgurugamer/abcors

Downloads: 9,989

Author: linuxgurugamer

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Support this mod: Donate

Followers: 37

Imgur Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/K6wiA

Settings can be changed in the stock settings page

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  1. spacedock.info
  2. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  3. www.google.com
  4. sd-prod-live.52k.de
  5. yandex.ru
  6. www.spacedock.info
  7. sd1a.52k.de
  8. sd1b.52k.de
  9. cn.bing.com
  10. sd-prod-stage.52k.de

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