DCK - Davinci's Combat Kit CKAN

A mod for KSP that adds 22 camouflage patterns, 19 solid colors and 1 Waldoto Stock, Aviator Arsenal. BD Armory Continued, BDMk22, SM_AFVs, Mk2 Expansion, QuizTech, KAX, Airplane Plus, BAD T Props and Procedural Parts as well as rims and tires for the M1 and TR-2L wheels DCK contains Stealth Coating parts (YCSM - You Can't See Me) that reduces the radar cross section of the craft it is attached to when using the YCSM part in conjunction with BDAc as well as Transparent/Invisible Aircraft Armor (FAR compatibility MM patch included for those who use DCK Aircraft Armor with FAR) to protect your shiny new paintjob DCK also has Z-90 'Oval', Z-90 'Round' and Z-4190 'Bubble' shields to help protect your invisible armor from getting scratched

License: GPLv3

Game Version: 1.4.1

Source code: DoctorDavinci/DCK

Downloads: 17,133

Author: DoctorDavinci

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 30

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

A KSP mod that adds 22 camouflage patterns, 19 solid colors and 1 Waldoto Stock, Aviator Arsenal. BD Armory Continued, BDMk22, SM AFVs, Mk2 Expansion, QuizTech, KAX, Airplane Plus, BAD T Props, SXT, AoA Tech, ALG and Procedural Parts as well as rims and tires for the M1 and TR-2L wheels

DCK Features

  • 42 alternate skins for Stock as well as numerous mods with more being added

  • DCK Paintshop courtesy of @TheDog ... Now you don't have to switch textures on each part one by one (see video below)

  • Transparent/Invisible Aircraft Armor ... protect that new paint job from scratches, bullets, missiles and even high speed impact against other craft (Armor models courtesy of @SpannerMonkey(smce)) .... now compatible with FAR by making the armor invisible to FAR's aero calculations ... MM patch included in download - Courtesy of @SuicidalInsanity

  • DCK Shields ... 3 types of shields with 6 sizes of each (Z-90 'Oval', Z-90 'Round' and Z-4190 'Bubble') ... I also included code to automatically set the Energy Shields Toggle Deploy to the Abort action group upon placing part in editor

  • DCK Wheels ... If you've ever wanted to change the stock wheels to something with a little more pizzaz then DCK has you covered (see video's below ... Contributions by @Wrench Head)

  • 2 YCSM Stealth Coating modules ... Reduces your Radar Cross Section

  • DCKinc/Parts ... Contains a miniaturized 'Panther' engine called the 'Kitty', 2 Mk0 Fuselages and a drop tank

Be advised that the Transparent/Invisible aircraft armor DOES NOT affect the drag on your craft or its flight characteristics and only adds weight and an armor rating - for use in conjunction with BDAc ... Be sure to not block your weapons with the armor 😉

Also be aware that DCK Shields are affected by Aero forces and have a breaking point where you will be unable to retract them ... They were meant to protect you from bullets but work quite well for atmospheric re-entry (Warranty void if used for this purpose)

Please, do not overwrite DCK when updating ... Delete the previous version and any DCK add-ons from your Gamedata folder before installing the new version

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