CapCom - Mission Control On The Go

A contract management window available in all scenes; accept, decline, or cancel contracts without going back to the Mission Control Center

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.8.1

Source code: DMagic1/CapCom

Downloads: 209,746

Author: DMagic

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Support this mod: Donate

Followers: 243

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

CapCom - Mission Control On The Go



People, and Info

Authors and Contributors

DMagic: Author and maintainer

TriggerAu: CapCom uses a modified version of TriggerAu's KSP Plugin Framework


The code is released under the MIT license; all art assets are released under the CC-BY-SA license


  • What is CapCom?
    • CapCom is a user interface that allows for reviewing, accepting, declining or canceling contracts outside of the Mission Control Center building
    • It provides a number of features not found in the Mission Control Center; these are described below
  • How do the keyboard shortcuts work?
    • When the window is selected keyboard shortcuts are available for several functions
    • The Up/Down arrows are used to cycle through contracts in the currently selected list
    • The Right/Left arrows are used to switch lists
    • The Enter key is used to accept an offered contract
    • The Del key is used to decline or cancel a contract
    • The Left Ctrl key is used to select multiple contracts when held down
    • All keys can be reassigned in the settings window
  • Is CapCom designed to replace the in-flight contract list app?
    • CapCom can be used to monitor active contracts, but it is not designed as a replacement for the Contracts App
    • For an addon designed specifically for doing that try the Contracts Window +
  • Something has gone wrong; where can I get help?
    • If you run into errors, contracts not visible in a list, contracts not being accepted, window not being displayed properly, etc... report problems either to the GitHub Issues section or the KSP Forum Thread

Sort Bar

Controls contract sorting options and order
  • Contracts can be sorted based on a variety of criteria in either ascending or descending order
    • Contract difficulty, as noted by the number of stars
    • Contract reward amounts; Funds, Science, or Reputation
    • Contract agency, sorted alphabetically
    • Target Planet, not all contracts have target planets associated with them; addon contracts rely on the planet being in the contract title
    • Time Remaining, sorted by expiration date for offered contracts, deadline for active contracts, and completion date for finished contracts
  • Current active contract count and max contract limit are shown above
Selecting the rewards sorting option will open a drop-down menu; select the desired reward type here

Contract List

Separate contract lists are available based on contract status
  • Review, accept, and decline offered contracts
    • Dependent upon the maximum contracts allowed by the current Mission Control Center building level
  • Review active contracts
    • Mission status is updated for each contract
    • Cancel active contracts if allowed
  • Review completed contracts
  • Review progress nodes
Currently selected contracts are indicated by the green bar on the left
  • By holding the multi-select key (left Ctrl by default; can be edited) multiple contracts can be selected or de-selected
  • Multiple contracts can be accepted, declined, or canceled if allowed

Contract Header

The title and agency of the currently selected contract is shown here, along with the primary contract controls
  • The accept, decline, and cancel buttons are shown on the right, depending on the contract's status
  • The agency flag is a button, pressing it opens the agency info screen
  • The settings menu can be opened with the gear icon in the upper-right
  • The X icon will close the window
  • The controls are not available while in the editor
By default a warning popup is displayed when you decline or cancel a contract; both options can be adjusted in the settings menu.

Basic Contract Info

The nonsense mission briefing and short mission synopsis are shown at the top of this area
  • An option to hide the mission briefing text is available in the settings menu
  • Mission duration and deadline times are updated in real-time

Contract Objectives

Each contract parameter, its status and any rewards are displayed next
  • The status of each parameter is indicated by an icon on the left
  • Parameter and mission notes can be hidden by default using an option in the settings menu; if selected they can then be displayed by clicking a blue note icon
  • Reward values also incorporate any strategy modifiers

Contract Rewards

The overall mission rewards are displayed at the bottom of the window
  • These also reflect any changes made by strategy modifiers
  • Contract decline penalties are shown for offered contracts

Progress Nodes

Progress Nodes Lists for all completed Worlds First Progress Nodes are shown when the globe icon is selected

Rewards and information about each progress node are shown for the selected list

Agency Info

When the agency flag is selected a separate text area will appear
  • Basic information about the current agency is displayed
  • Each agency mentality is shown, along with a description if available
  • Other contracts offered or already accepted by the same agency are displayed

Settings Window

Config Options

At the top of the settings window are several toggle options
  • Hide Mission Briefing Text will prevent the nonsense mission briefing from being shown at all
  • Hide Mission Notes will cause mission and parameter notes to be hidden by default, they can be displayed by clicking on the blue + icon next to each note
  • Warn on Decline causes a warning window with a confirmation button to appear when declining an offered contract
  • Warn on Cancel causes a warning window with a confirmation button to appear when canceling an active contract
  • Tooltips are available for several of the icon buttons
  • Use Stock App Launcher is available only if Blizzy78's Toolbar is installed; turning this option off will cause the CapCom button to use that toolbar

Keyboard Shortcuts

All of the keyboard shortcut keys can be reassigned here
  • Select the key to be reassigned using the buttons on the right
  • With the reassign window open push any key (don't take screenshots with the window open...); push accept to save the new setting
  • Use the Save button at the bottom to accept any changes; the Cancel button will revert any changes made
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