
Adds a switch to the IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel.

License: GPLv3

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 36,329

Authors: malah, linuxgurugamer

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Support this mod: Donate

Followers: 17

What is it?

QuickIVA is a small plugin which adds a switch to the IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel.

I suggest you to use the awesome mod RasterPropMonitor which makes the IVA usable.

How does it work ?

It will put you on IVA at launch or at load. It will select preferably the first Pilot on a pod or the first Kerbal on a pod.

It will not put you on IVA, if there are:

  • no Kerbals alive on the vessel,
  • no IVA model.

The HUD can be automaticaly hide and the others camera / MapView can be disabled.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • "end" to recovery,
  • "home" to EVA.

How to install it?

Unzip all files. Put the QuickIVA folder in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to update it?

Unzip all files. Merge the new QuickIVA folder with the old folder which is in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to uninstall it?

Delete the QuickIVA folder in your KSP/GameData folder.


  • to Alshain and monstah to have requested this mod,
  • to Mihara and MOARdv for the awesome mod RasterPropMonitor,
  • to Tabakhase for the mod Probe Control Room,
  • to all mods developers which make this game really huge,
  • to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ...
  • to Squad for this awesome game.


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  1. spacedock.info
  2. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  3. www.google.com
  4. duckduckgo.com
  5. www.google.co.uk
  6. yandex.ru
  7. www.spacedock.info
  8. kerbalspaceprogram.eu
  9. www.google.de
  10. www.bing.com

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