
QuickSearch is a small plugin which adds an extension to the part search function on the editor, it also adds a part search on the tech tree.

License: GPLv3

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 83,486

Authors: malah, linuxgurugamer

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Support this mod: Donate

Followers: 101

What is it?

QuickSearch is a small plugin which adds an extension to the part search function on the editor, it also adds a part search on the tech tree.

What is the search extension?

By default, the search extension is enabled, and with it you can:

  • search with regex /ab/,
  • make a AND a&b,
  • make a OR a|b,
  • make a NOT !a,
  • search a word begin (ab or "ab,
  • search a word end ab) or ab",
  • search a word (ab) or "ab",
  • search only the tag %ab,
  • search only the name ;ab,
  • search only the title :ab,
  • search only the description -ab,
  • search only the author ,ab,
  • search only the manufacturer ?ab,
  • search only the part size .ab,
  • search only the resources +ab,
  • search only the tech required @ab,
  • search only the module _ab,

a and b are the search example, all the shortcut can be edited on the config file. At this time, you can only cumulate AND, OR, NOT, words begin/end/full, but not with others shortcut.

How to install it?

Unzip all files. Put the QuickSearch folder in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to update it?

Unzip all files. Merge the new QuickSearch folder with the old folder which is in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to uninstall it?

Delete the QuickSearch folder in your KSP/GameData folder.


  • to Borisbee to have requested this mod,
  • to inigma and Yemo to have think of the tech tree part search,
  • to Magico13 for his Tree Toppler,
  • to BlackNecro for his awesome PartCatalog,
  • to Crzyrndm for his Filter Extensions,
  • to blizzy for his Toolbar mod,
  • to Banbury for his Part Search,
  • to MrHappyFace for his PartSearch,
  • to Konraden for his Part Search Plugin,
  • to Matthieu James for the Faenza icon theme,
  • to all mods developers which make this game really huge,
  • to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ...
  • to Squad for this awesome game.


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  1. spacedock.info
  2. www.google.com
  3. forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com
  4. www.spacedock.info
  5. kerbalspaceprogram.eu
  6. www.google.de
  7. sd-prod-live.52k.de
  8. duckduckgo.com
  9. yandex.ru
  10. www.bing.com

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