Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 Unrapid Planned Assembly /mod/2254/Kerbal%20Construction%20Time-1.7.3 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released * Apparently there are mods that define custom KSC facility types. Those cannot currently be resolved to the KSP SpaceCenterFacility enum and will cause facility upgrade attempts to fail. I made KCT_UpgradingBuilding.facilityType field nullable so that any custom facilities would just be null there. In the process I also found out that KSP is unable to automatically persist nullable enums so a workaround had to be written for that. * All spent funds that are related to vessel building & rollout are now logged under TransactionReasons.VesselRollout. This is rather important for RP-1 career logger ]]> Fri, 21 Feb 2020 13:47:19 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Thanks to user @siimav for the following: Fix vessel Situation snapping to Landed on airlaunch Add more custom events Fix deleting a pad causing issues with other pad constructions Fix vessel Situation snapping to Landed on airlaunch ]]> Fri, 07 Feb 2020 20:49:21 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Updated AirlaunchLevels.cfg for stock tech

Thu, 23 Jan 2020 05:01:59
Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fixed issue of blizzy toolbar button sometimes not being there when the UI scale was not 100% Fixed issue of toolbar buttons (both blizzy & stock) not changing when clicked Removed old code which provided the textures for the Blizzy toolbar Minor refactoring of code in KerbalConstructionTime.cs in Start() to replace multiple If's with a switch Fixed small memory leak by replacing all the "new Wait4Second" with constants Fixed big memory lean (1-3 meg/sec) caused by needless changing of textures in the toolbar buttons Removed unused function: GetStockButtonTexture, not needed since the ToolbarController handles all of that Fixed the unable to resize Blizzy's toolbar when KCT icon is transferred to it Added AirLaunch configs ]]> Mon, 20 Jan 2020 04:05:25 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fixed issue where switching editor building while editing a new vessel would end up having the new vessel rolled out to the wrong launchsite (fixed in ClickThroughBlocker), listed here for completeness Fixed issue when closing Upgrades was not returning to main KCT dialog Fixed issue where a kerbal on EVA could be recovered to either the SPH or VAB Added 3 more buttons for upgrades to allow easier upgrading of multiple points Added check to disable the "Reset Points" if not enough points available ]]> Sun, 22 Dec 2019 23:35:32 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fixed issue where switching editor building while editing a new vessel would end up having the new vessel rolled out to the wrong launchsite ]]> Tue, 10 Dec 2019 00:57:51 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fixed nullref in the editor when not editing a recovered craft ]]> Tue, 19 Nov 2019 18:37:20 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Added check for full tanks to the "Fill Tanks" button, which was already there for the "Fill Tanks & Launch" button Deleted old commented out toolbar code Created dedicated deploy-173.bat for local testing Thanks to @siimav for this fix: Fixed lag in editor by moving FindObjectByType to where it was used and not called every frame ]]> Tue, 19 Nov 2019 00:24:40 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released @siimav Fix facility upgrades still not happening instantly when KCT itself is disabled Check for experimental parts in locked parts test Fixed issue where RO fuels weren't being filled when the "Fill Tank" was selected ]]> Mon, 28 Oct 2019 23:19:04 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Sun, 27 Oct 2019 18:23:45 Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 for Kerbal Space Program Released Deleted unneeded ToolbarWrapper.cs Removed the ability to move a ship from VAB to SPH and back Removed all KSP1_4 #if/#endif statements Following are from the RO branch Fixed assembly loading for other mods that reference KCT Can no longer launch vessels with locked parts Those files shouldn't be in the repo Reworked the code that checks for locked parts. Previous version was causing issues with a couple of other mods. Can no longer do 5 more rush builds after editing a vessel Added training warning and disabled Auto-hire button for RP-1 Update message text Separated Build+Rollout into Build+Integration+Rollout Fix a nasty infinite loop and add correct estimate to build list Added rollout time to GUI; Fix vessel editing progress calculations Fix build progress for recovered vessels Refactor BP calculations and apply global multipliers to Effective cost Added effectiveCost field to KCT_BuildListVessel Improve .gitignore Add Effective Cost [E] variable to integration and rollout cost formulas Clean up the editor UI Added formula for calculating rush cost Fix funds being changed by integration cost on launch and recovery Merge LGG->SepIntegration Add missing files to RO csproj Disable transferring vessels between VAB and SPH in RP-1 Disable the Switch Editor button while editing an existing vessel. Bad things will happen if the edits are saved in another mode than the initial one

Sat, 26 Oct 2019 00:06:26