DeepFreeze Continued... This mod provides the ability to freeze and thaw kerbals for those long space journeys. /mod/142/DeepFreeze%20Continued... DeepFreeze Continued... V0.31.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.31.0.0 Re-Compile for KSP 1.12.x Added difficulty settings to turn off internal beep sounds and all sounds. Fix background resources - Kopernicus solar panels integration. Fix Portraits showing from kerbals in loaded vessels that aren't the active vessel. Fix timing issue with the Cryopod door animation and freeze glass animation playing at the same time. They now play one after another as they used to/should.

Sat, 11 Sep 2021 23:27:53
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.30.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.30.0.0 Re-Compile for KSP 1.11.x Add EVA construction capabilities to the CRY-300R (Can move it only, can't put in inventories) and the RS-X20R Glykerol Container (can be put in inventories as well).

Thu, 31 Dec 2020 00:32:02
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.29.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.29.0.0 Re-Compile for KSP 1.10.x

Fri, 16 Oct 2020 23:32:54
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.28.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.28.0.0 Re-Compile for KSP 1.9.x Fixed the visibility of the CRY-0300 External Door with JSI Advanced Transparent Pods also installed. Fixed the animated Croypod glass on the CRY-300R. Added check and screen message when trying to thaw or freeze across multiple parts/vessels at the same time. Already had this check on the same part, but extended across all parts or bad things happen. More performance and garbage improvements. Kerbals in Cryopods that have external doors (CRY-0300) will leave their helmet off if the doors are open and in breathable atmosphere. Russian translations updated by Sooll3. Chinese translations updated by 6DYZBX. V0.27.0.0

Wed, 04 Mar 2020 05:02:24
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.27.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fix dependency issue for Unloaded Resources processing requiring TAC-LS to be installed. Re-Compile for KSP 1.8.x

Fri, 18 Oct 2019 09:59:04
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.26.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.26.0.0 Re-compile for KSP 1.7.2 and above. Added BackgroundResources processing. This is a module also distributed with my TAC LS mod. It will do EC processing for DeepFreezer parts that are on unloaded vessels (not the active vessel). You can turn it off in the Difficulty settings. It also does unloaded EC production for all vessels.

Sat, 29 Jun 2019 05:45:49
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.25.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fix shaders for real this time. - KSP no longer distributes Legacy Shader Transparent Specular. Some Performance improvements and Garbage generation improvements on the part module.

Sun, 17 Mar 2019 06:31:45
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.24.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Re-compile for KSP 1.6.x Fix shader assignments. Fix animations in Cryopods.

Sun, 17 Feb 2019 02:14:35
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.9.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Re-compile for KSP 1.5.x Added German Translation (thanks Nils277) Some GC/performance improvements.

Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:29:04
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.8.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Update for KSP 1.4.1

Fri, 16 Mar 2018 10:37:34
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.7.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Update for KSP 1.3.1

Sat, 07 Oct 2017 09:42:47
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.6.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Russian Localization texts added - Thanks go to forum user- Artem Kerman. Spanish Localization texts added - Thanks go to forum user- Fitiales. Resized UI elements to fit other languages.

Sun, 18 Jun 2017 11:00:49
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.5.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.23.5.0 Compile for KSP 1.3.0 Localization ready (but all in English) - Translation volunteers welcome. ;) If Infinite EC is turned on DeepFreeze will not consume EC. If in IVA/Internal camera view when you freeze the last kerbal will autmatically change the camera to flight view to avoid invalid camera reference.

Sun, 28 May 2017 13:59:49
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.4.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fix issue with launching vessels with DeepFreeze parts with greater capacity than previously launched vessels would cause null reference exceptions, lost DeepFreeze tracking and lost frozen kerbals. Thanks to Gnurfos who found the bug.

Sun, 09 Apr 2017 08:39:14
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.3.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fix Kerbalism Integration. Freeze Tourists! DeepFreeze stock application button is not shown in flight unless the active vessel has a DeepFreezer part. Fixed log spam when RPM occlusion fails. Work-around for integration issue/bug in USI LS.

Sat, 18 Feb 2017 22:57:39
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.2.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.23.2.0 Compile for KSP 1.2.2 Remove need for RSTKSPEvents and utilize new KSP 1.2.2 GameEvents extension. Update Community Resource Pack to Fix Issue when returning to vessel and EC usage has exhausted all EC in the vessel (and not using BackgroundProcessing mod).

Thu, 08 Dec 2016 08:24:28
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.1.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Compile for KSP 1.2.1 Fix Editor customer Filter for DeepFreeze parts. Fix problem with EC and Heat settings being disabled in new game difficulty settings. Fix problem with CRY-0300 Doors opening/closing with JSI Advanced Transparent Pods showing an empty Internal until fully open, unfortunately it does mean you can no longer see the doors animate open/closed correctly. This is a limitation of the JSI Advanced Transparent Pods and camera setup for KSP. Performance improvement pass on the code. Fixed Difficulty Settings. Fixed incorrect use of Blizzy ToolBar on game startup even if user has set to use Stock Icon in difficulty settings. Implemented inter-mod GameEvents - better integration possible with other mods. Fixed bug when Comatose Kerbal dies. Fixed Vessel Switching to unloaded vessel when Low EC or overheat warning occurs. Removed CRY-0300 door sound when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods mod shuts the door (not the user).

Thu, 03 Nov 2016 10:20:57
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.23.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Update for KSP 1.2 Fix Coma Kerbals to register/unregister their traits at the correct time and handle Tourist kerbals. Added Setting in the menu that allows you to turn on/off the VAB/SPH Deepfreeze Parts Category Icon. Converted all Settings to new Stock Difficulty/Settings Integration. DeepFreeze Settings are now set in the Difficulty window (stock) when starting a new game and other settings can be changed in-game by bringing up the Settings Menu in-game ane selecting the Difficulty settings button at the top of the window. Changed the mass of the CRY-0300 from 2,5t to 1.5t to align with other parts. Added a Database check for orphaned Kerbal and Freezer Part Entries and cleanup on startup. Fixed config error in texture. Changed DF VAB/SPH editor filter if ON DeepFreeze parts will only show in the DF category and NOT show in the Utilities category.

Wed, 12 Oct 2016 07:55:59
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.22.3.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fix Bug where KAC Alarms GUI window fails if there is a KAC alarm of type "Crew"
Adjustments to internal code for 1.1.3 API changes for Crew Transfers.
Removed Glykerol Defintion from DeepFreeze distribution. Glykerol will now be defined as part of the Community Resource Pack (CRP) V0.5.4.0 and up.
So DeepFreeze is now dependent on CRP and includes CRP in it's distribution.
Re-compile for KSP 1.1.3 this version only works with KSP 1.1.3

Wed, 22 Jun 2016 12:27:26
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.22.2.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fixed bug with Icons not loading on Linux.
Efficiency clean-up on code modules (speed and memory use).
Fix bug where DeepFreeze is not maintaining and updating Vessel Information for Vessels with Freezer parts, causing Exceptions in the log and vessels not appearing in the Vessel List in the DeepFreeze GUI window.
Moved Config.cfg file from Plugins to /Plugins/PluginData to prevent resetting Module Manager cache every time you change a setting.

Sun, 05 Jun 2016 06:28:14
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.22.1.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.22.1.0 "KSP 1.1.2 Update"
Fixed portrait camera issues.
Fixed On-Screen messages for Kerbal Name when in Alternate - Cryopod Camera mode.
Fixed spacing (scroll lists) in the DeepFreeze GUI menus.
Fixed switching from Stock Toolbar Icon to Blizzy Toolbar Icon and back again.
Made Settings Menu resizable.
Added some more KSPedia pages - What do people want to see here?

Sun, 01 May 2016 01:08:56
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.22.0.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Added first-cut KSPedia Pages - this is really just testing out this feature and is a very rough first cut. Plans to expand and improve this.
Support for NEW RPM - JSIAdvTransparentPods - no longer supports the OLD RPM TJSITransparentPods. You need RPM - JSITransparentPods V0.25.0 or above.
Support for Kerbalism Mod.

Minor Bugs (can live with, fix in next version):

1) When you freeze/thaw from internal cam (alternate camera) the camera loses the transform reference point at the end of the process.
2) When inside the CRY-0300 with the External Doors closed, if you zoom out strange camera effects mean the door is only partially visible.
3) The screen messages when in Cryopod-Camera mode are not showing all the kerbal's names.
4) When you change settings from Stock to Toolbar and change scenes, the toolbar appears, but stock button is still there. A restart or several scene changes fixes it.
5) When there is a Kerbal on the ladder in front of the CRY-0300 and the doors are open the Internal Overlays the kerbal and blocks them from view. This is actually an RPM - JSIAdvTransparentPods bug.
6) The CRY-0300R has lost it's ability to show cool Window Freeze/Thawing animation effects.

Issues with release:

Background Processing is not available under KSP 1.1. Unless the mod author updates it soon I will look to put my own EC background processing into DeepFreeze. For now if you are using EC usage the non-Background Processing method still works (it plays catch-up when you swith to the vessel).
There is no version of TAC LS for KSP 1.1 - so it is not currently supported.

Sun, 24 Apr 2016 12:41:32
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.20.4.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released Fixed bug when using EC for frozen kerbals is turned ON and BackgroundProcessor is not installed. When you switch back to a vessel after a long period of time and you don't have enough EC to catch-up on the EC usage DeepFreeze was not correctly consuming 95% of remanining EC and was executing the Kill/Emergency Thaw procedure. Fixed GUI when EC usage is on where the fields were not spanning the resizable window correctly.
Improved error handling for a spurious bug in Tracking Station that cannot be tracked down.
Removed DFInterface.DLL API. Wrapper API now provided for other Mods to interface to DeepFreeze.
Removed use of SMInterface.DLL API to interface to Ship Manifest. Replaced with Reflection Wrapper class. Requires Ship Manifest V5.0.1.0 or above.
Changed DEFAULT CLS setting for the CRY-0300 and CRY-0300R to be Passable (allowing unrestricted crew transfers), this is due to a known bug in CLS/Ship Manifest mods.
Will change this setting back once Papa_Joe fixes that bug in CLS/SM.
Earlier versions of Ship Manifest no longer supported.
Updated Mini-AVC included to newer version to stop log spam.
Added Community Tech Tree science node definitions (via Module Manager file, requires Module Manager).
Re-Factored a lot of code and utilities (Code Housekeeping).

Tue, 15 Mar 2016 06:20:02
DeepFreeze Continued... V0.20.3.0 for Kerbal Space Program Released V0.20.3.0 "bug Fixes" Fixed bug when thawing some kerbals vessel where vessel reference transform was not set in some cases. Modified debugging and error messages during thawing to assist easier bug hunting in the future.

Thu, 18 Feb 2016 18:02:00