Half Size RSS CKAN

Half Size Real Solar System (5x stock scale)

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Game Version: 1.2.2

Source code: pap1723/HalfRSS

Downloads: 10,237

Author: Pap

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 14

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.



HalfRSS is a mod that uses the great work from @NathanKell and creates our Real Solar System in a smaller scale in KSP. At half the size of the RSS, HalfRSS is still 5 times larger than stock KSP and provides a huge challenge to players, but can be achieved with stock parts. I always loved the idea of playing in our Real Solar System, but I am not a good enough player to be able to accomplish that on the grand RSS scale. The guys over at Stock Size RSS gave me the inspiration for this with their awesome work, but I found that size to be easier than I hoped for.

I am hoping that this is a good balance between stock sizes and full size RSS. You can play this without using Realism Overhaul and without having to create super huge launchers to get anywhere.

SPECIAL THANKS: * NathanKell and the entire Real Solar System group for creating almost everything that is released in this mod * CaptRobau for letting me use his planets Thatmo and Slate from the Outer Planets mod as two of the Dwarf Planets that we know almost nothing about * OhioBob for creating the atmospheres that are present in the mod * The entire Kopernicus team for creating the mod that makes this all possible! @Thomas P. @NathanKell @KillAshley @Teknoman117, Bryce Schroeder * ImkSushi and @pozine for their work on Real Solar System Expanded that provided Ceres and Vesta

DOWNLOAD: [https://github.com/pap1723/HalfRSS-Textures/releases] - These are the textures that are necessary to download

Included in the download:

Half RSS Mod files Module Manager (by @sarbian, @swamp_ig, @ialdabaoth) See thread for details, license, and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 Kopernicus - See thread for details, license, and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114649 A configuration for Custom Asteriods by Starstrider42. See thread for details, license, and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80483


Extract to KSP/GameData. You should have one dll (Module Manager) in the root of GameData, and three new folders: HalfRSS, Kopernicus and ModuleFlightIntegrator. However, you are NOT DONE YET.


Now, you must select a texture resolution. Download a pre-made pack (8192, 4096, or 2048) and then, if desired, selectively replace with different-resolution texutres. Note that 8192 is dangerous: you will almost assuredly run out of memory on 32-bit versions of the game.

You can get the textures from: https://github.com/Pap1723/HalfRSS-Textures Go to the releases page and grab one of the resolution packs, then (optionally) get replacements from the repo itself. The path of the folder will be KSP/GameData/RSS-Textures Make sure you download from here and not the other RSS versions. There are additional biomes as well as additional planets that are included with the HalfRSS version.

RECOMMENDED MODS: Custom Asteroids by @Starstrider42 - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72785-11x-custom-asteroids-131-may-7/ Parts Mods can be helpful to have larger launchers (SpaceY, RealScaleBoosters-use stock config, KW Rocketry, etc) This list will continue to grow as I add more of the mods I love to use with it

FUTURE PLANS: Configs for AntennaRange (this is included, but need to test for ranges) Configs for Kerbalism New Science definitions for new planets and moons Height maps for all of Saturn's moons New Biomes for all of Saturn's moons More, much, much more!


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