KSP Rank Ribbons - Final Frontier Add-On CKAN

A series of 18 (6 for each specialization) Ribbons for the stock KSP Ranks.

License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

Game Version: 1.1.2

Downloads: 4,583

Author: Shadriss

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 24

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

Requires Nereid's FINAL FRONTIER mod, and inspired by SmarterThanMe's rank and expidition ribbons.

Taking a page from KSP itself, these ribbons are driven directly from the specialist ranks. Each of the three Specializations has six ribbons (from 0 to 5 star) and has been given a name and description that is roughly in line with the abilities that eash of those ranks/ratings have


Flight Officer - The ability to go in a straight line is what sets KSP Pilots apart from the masses.

Pilot, Junior Grade - Now able to tell forward from backward, the Junior Pilot begins to receive true respect.

Pilot, Senior Grade - The Senior Pilot has mastered the advanced concepts of 'Up' and 'Down' to the point where even Wehrner is slightly impressed.

Commander - After so many missions, a Commander has the uncanny ability to point at a specific object, something most Kerbals never even knew was possible.

Captain - Having completely mastered his craft (and his 'Craft), a Captain's primary duty is to look smugly at the lesser Kerbals on board.

Commodore - Don't try to get into a story-telling contest with a Commodore - they've seen it all, heard it all, and done it all. If only they could remember it all...


Tinkerer - No real specific talents, but seems to dig holes faster than anyone else.

Safety Inspector - While the Space Program has no real Quality Assurance Program to speak of, even they understand the importance of a properly packed parachute.

Hydraulic Specialist - Tasked with the care and feeding of the spacecraft's landing systems, the Specialist proudly does as little as possible until the Pilot inevitably screws up the landing.

Drivetrain Mechanic - Lander legs were so last generation. Centrifugal Velocity Impulse Devices (wheels to the uneducated) are the new thing in technology, and a Mechanic is it's master.

Chief Engineer - This ship has ninety-nine problems, but the bolts aren't one thanks to the Chief.

Theoretical Engineer - Theoretically, there isn't anything mechanical that the Engineer doesn't understand. Fortunately, reality seems to match this theory.


Lab Rat - In grade school, they were called Nerds. The Lab Rat's primary job is the most dangerous in the Space Program - opening up the science experiment after it's been used.

Test Subject - With a little experience in the Lab, facts are starting to add up. Of course, it's hard to remember them while being electrocuted, doused in acid, and put into giant mazes.

Junior Scientist - Having passed the initial screening process, Junior Scientists have the joyful responsibility of running the screening process on those who are still Test Subjects.

Senior Scientist - With a lot of experience with things that go boom (as well as a bunch of failed things that didn't go boom for some reason), the Senior Scientist turns into a sanctimonious know-it-all who doesn't.

Rocket Scientist - While not up to Wehrner Von Kerman's level, the average Rocket Scientist manages to design rockets that don't go boom. Usually.

Professor - While nobody will ever match the pure genius of Werhner Von Kerman, a Professor is as close as anyone is likely to get.

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