Fenrir Lucnher Pack CKAN

This a luncher which allow you to go in orbit arround kerbin in one stage (without SRB in the space)

License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Game Version: 1.3.1

Downloads: 6,544

Author: Oursshinigami

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 10

Outdated Mod

This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.

This a new luncher which allow you to use only on stage so as to be in orbit arround kerbin at 150 km and rescorver this stage (without the SRB).


The help is welcome

After crete a rocket like this (you need to add parachut and AirBreak for the reentry), you need to create a stage (the first (picture = 11 stage)) with only the Loki V2 Engine because this engine need of 7 sec to be a the max Thrust.

Lift of !!!!!!

At 38 km or 41 km, cut of Sigyn EAP, and you have like speed 1500 m/s (you have a litle burn on your rocket, all is normal), your speed continue to be faster but slowly (normal). You need to wait so as to have a apoapsis

at 150 km.

Always with the same stage, circulize your orbit arround kerbin. Now decouple and your RCS so as to be in retrograde.

Warning !!!!!! For rescover this big stage, you need to fall in the see (this is a big stage, it is heavy).

Active a reentry burn.

When you fall, you need to be at 900 m/s before cut your thrust, at 10 km activate your parachute and activate your thrust at 20%.

At 6km active your burn at 100% of thrust and fall in the see a 100m/s (engine destroyed yes) or 50m/s or 0m/s (engine destroyed no).

recover your stage.

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